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SSHScript v2.0 Recipes

Last Updated on 2023/10/31

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🔵 Setup Logger

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')
## ... do whatever you want to do with the logger ...
import sshscript

🔵 Using argparser in .spy

If you need to have your own cli-arguments, you can get them from main.unknown_args

## filename: example.spy
## run: sshscript example.spy --file myfile1.jpg
import argparse, __main__
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--file', dest='file')
args = parser.parse_args(__main__.unknown_args)

🔵 Working with the systemctl

This command “systemctl –type=service –state=active” displays content page by page, you can run it with $.enter. Example:

import time    
with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    content = []
    ## press "q" to exit, otherwise this command will block at the bottom page
    with console.enter('systemctl --type=service --state=active',exit='q') as systemctlscreen:
        while 'END' not in systemctlscreen.stdout:
            systemctlscreen.input(' ') ## move to next page
            time.sleep(1) ## wait 1 second for screen to refresh

But this way, the content might be mixed with terminal control codes. The following example is more practical:

with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    ## redirect the output of systemctl to a file
    console('systemctl --type=service --state=active | cat')
    content = console.stdout

🔵 Get rid of terminal control codes

Terminal control codes can be distracting when mixed with output. You can avoid this by modifying your command.

## For example, instead of running:
with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    console('systemctl --type=service --state=active')

## You can run:
with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    console('systemctl --type=service --state=active | cat')

Some programs automatically add terminal control codes, such as grep --color=auto. You can disable this by running the command with the --color=never option.

## For example, instead of running:
with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    console('lsof -n -Pi | grep LISTEN')

## You can run:
with $.sudo(sudoPassword) as console:
    console('lsof -n -Pi | grep --color=never LISTEN')

This will prevent the program from adding any terminal control codes to the output.

🔵 Inputing password for mysqldump

mysqldump requires password, so we could use $.enter to handle it. For example:

with $.enter(f'mysqldump -u root -p mydb > db.sql','password','1234',exit=False) as mysqldump:


with $.enter(f'mysqldump -u root -p mydb > db.sql',exit=False) as mysqldump:

Please note that you should set “exit=False” for $.enter, since mysqldump would stop by itself, exiting command is not necessary.